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Make a video, tell your story. Make a podcast, reinforce it!

Story telling is such an underrated skill that it should be taught in school, just like things that really matter. Managing money, building a business, or real-world skills that you will need to survive when you grow up, but that’s a conversation for another day.

So, what is your businesses story? Where did you come from? What do you stand for? How can you add tons of value to your customers and / or community using your products or services?

I feel like people in general like to dumb this kind of thing down like it doesn’t matter. However, I believe that many more people would buy from you if they knew your story.

Think about the Elon Musks of the world or the late Steve Jobs. There are loads more examples I could use, but to make my point, I will use them. They were/are both ultra successful at grabbing people’s attention with their eye watering stories. These stories grabbed people’s genuine attention like an advert never could, and people started spending.The products were excellent, and the rest is history.

By making a high-level video for your business, you are creating the ability to share your real story and connect with potential clients over and over again. Plus, you could make a series of short videos and release them over a period of time, then back them up with a podcast. It is a much better option than throwing money at commercial radio or print for sure.

If you’re thinking that you are not a Jobs or Musk, then think again because it’s all about scale. If you are in business today, you have a story to tell. You should tell it no matter what size you are. If people spend money with you, there was a story that got you there and you should tell it.

It’s an investment into your business, and it’s worth it.

At Garcia media, we offer a number of video and podcast production services through our stuido partners, VidPod. We also love telling stories with photography.

Here’s an example of one of our clients in Vancouver, Genie senior services, that recently did a video series with us.

We look forward to helping you tell your story. Click the link below to book a free meeting.

#blog, #business, #Coaching, #Consulting, #Content, #Dailymarketing, #Entrepreneur, #Marketing, #Photographer, #Podcast, #Socialmedia, #Speaker, #video, #Website, Photo of the day

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