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What kind of content should my business be producing, and where?

Kayak on the ocean with mountains in behind and blue skies
Great content should be created to provide maximum value to the consumer.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. Well, so is content. Hear me out.

Too often these days when scrolling across various social media platforms, you see wall to wall self indulgent content. What do I mean by self-indulgent?

Content that provides ZERO VALUE to the consumer of that content and only serves to indulge the ego of the person producing it. Many times, video. Maybe they were not taught how to do this thing properly, or maybe they’re just narcassistic. Either way, you’ll always sell a lot less with fake indulgent content than great value content. I believe there are two rules to success in this sector. Consistency and authenticity.

Short, concise messaging with a clear call to action.

Once you have that figured out, it’s important to know who your audience is and where they consume your content. Choose two or three platforms to go all in on where you know your audience lives, then simply put some sprinkling on the rest. Let’s say your audience is mainly on Facebook Reels and Tik Tok, but you prefer writing articles on LinkedIn.

Focus on producing your best content for Reels and Tik Tok, adding maximum value to your potential client through incredible offers or valuable information they can take away with them and use in their lives for FREE. Then, when you’re done adding bucket loads of value for your potential customer, you can afford to be a little self-indulgent and write that article for you.

Find the right marketing partner for your business.

So, to summarize. The answer to the original question is yes, absolutely, Your business should be producing the kind of content that makes your potential, and existing customers feel like they are benefitting just by consuming it. They are, and it’s free.

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#Dailymarketing, #Entrepreneur, #Leadferno, #Marketing, #Podcast, #Socialmedia, #Text, #Website

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